We always grocery shop on Tuesdays. That is payday so that is also grocery day, and believe me when I tell you that making it a whole week between shopping trips, with seven mouths to feed, is no easy task! Last week I just didn’t quite make it and had to go to the store on Monday for just a few supplementary items. D’Lo came along as he usually does…but he didn’t really grasp the whole “supplementary” concept. As we travelled up and down the aisles, he asked for just about every treat he saw.
“Mama, can we get those donuts?”
“Not today, Baby, we’ll get them when we come back tomorrow.”
“Mama, can we get those cookies?”
“Not today, Baby, we’ll get them when we come back tomorrow.”
“Mama, can we get that go-gurt?”
“OK, Baby, but just one…we’ll get the rest when we come back tomorrow.”
“Mama, can we get a treat?”
“We already got the go-gurt, Baby, we’ll get a treat when we come back tomorrow!”
Finally we make it through to the check out, load it all up onto the belt, bag it all up into grocery sacks, pay for it, put into in the cart (along with D’Lo) and get ready to leave. I get his attention and tell him to thank the cashier for helping us…to which he responds:
“No, Mama, I’ll tell him thank you when we come back tomorrow!”
Man I love the things kids say!