It’s amazing to me how a little boy could so equally enjoy the dirt and the soap…
My little D’Angelo, such a long name for such a tiny boy. Believe me when I tell you, however, that his stature is the only thing about him that is small. He is an incredibly pushy, loud, bossy, tough and tumble, stubborn, high maintenence…perfect, little man.
He loves to play with action figures, calls them his “mem” because, somehow, that’s so much easier for him to say than men. This could be anything from his brother’s old GI Joe toys to his sister’s male Bratz dolls. Today though, it meant his daddy’s collectible NFL statues that he somehow learned to get out of their enclosed, glass, display stand. As his daddy was leaving for work tonight, D’Lo came running out to say goodbye, Michael Vick in the left and Joe Montana in the right, waving them around, talking about “Bye bye Daddy!”…Oooh, Daddy almost had a cardiac arrest!
Well, more than the best “mem” that could ever be created, my D’Lo loves to play in the dirt. Could be any dirt too. Front yard dirt, back yard dirt, wet or dry dirt, from a houseplant dirt, doesn’t really matter…just as long as he can really dig in to it. You know, smear it on his face, a handful or two in his fro, whatever!
Interesting thing is, he loves the bath just as much, especially a bath with bottles of anything – body soap, shampoo, conditioner, baby products, lotion – either sitting around the edge or floating in the water. That way he can squeeze out the contents of said bottles into the water and make the biggest “clean” mess possible! His new favorite is shaving cream. He absolutely adores the stuff, calls it notion (oh sure, now he can pronounce the letter N) because he thinks it’s lotion.
So, my crazy, skinny, high demand, perfect, precious, NFL collectible abusing, dirt and bath loving boy…isn’t he the cutest, dirty, little, clean boy you ever saw?
So precious!
Little boys are so much fun.