We sat together in the sun. He had been happily picking (and sniffing) dandelions. And now he was showing his Nonna his valuable treasure. Little does he know that HE is MY precious treasure. I made over his find as though it were gold. Because to him, it is. And because to me, he is.
”AK, your flower is so beautiful!” I said.
“Mmmmm-hmmmmm.” He agreed.
“Do you know what your beautiful flower is called?”
He answered, ”Gold. It’s da gold flowuh.”
I smiled into his eyes. And his eyes smiled back. We were waiting for Papa to come. They were going to be headed to the park together soon. That Springtime sun continued to kiss us, as we waited. A light breeze joined in and affectionately hugged our shoulders, too. And finally, Papa emerged from the front door.
“Are you ready to go, Birdie?” Papa clamored.
“Yes, Papa, AK is weady to go.” returned a sweet voice.
And as they began their descent down the long driveway together. The smaller face turned up toward the bigger face. And the smaller hand reached up and found the bigger hand.
“Papa, hold the hand.” The little demanded (and the big complied).
And away they went.