Tag Archives: parenting

Prom Night 2012

Handsome young man. Nervous. Prom Night 2012. His first tux – our first tux. Looking so calm but feeling so anxious – he slowly got ready. A haircut. A shower. A trim for his new found mustache. Piece by piece … Continue reading

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One Week To The Brightest Star

Sent Star’s ticket to her today – I can’t believe she’ll be here in just one week. More than that though, I can’t believe it’s been two years since I saw the little girl young woman who we raised. Although … Continue reading

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My Super-Hero

I (we) got something in the mail this weekend. There really isn’t any way to describe how I felt upon reading it. My husband opened it first, but he couldn’t read it…he simply handed it to me and walked away … Continue reading

Posted in CHILDHOOD NEPHROTIC SYNDROME/MCD | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

One Crazy Week (Surviving)

Halfway through this week and I’ve been way too busy to even begin the post I wanted to write about how busy LAST week was! Awww, the life of a student/wife/mommy-of-five has a way of making the minutes, hours, days, … Continue reading

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IMO…”Our Walmart Encounter”

It is one in the morning! We are at Walmart to pick up some dog food, because it’s right next door to the theater and our late movie just ended. As we walked past the row of Purina and other … Continue reading

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