Enjoying The Trip

251Well, the first day of summer vacation has officially come and gone. When I kissed my children goodbye before their last day of school yesterday, I said to them ” goodbye fourth grader” and “goodbye sixth grader” and “goodbye eighth grader.”  Upon their return home, I greeted them “hello fifth grader” and “hello seventh grader” and, most painfully, “hello ninth grader.” A freshman? Can it really be? My heart answers a resounding “NO!” but my mind knows that it’s true. To me, he should still be that funny, sparkling, little boy with a mouthful of tiny baby teeth who thought every, single step he took should involve a Power Ranger kick, chop, and sound effect. The future seemed so comfortably far away back then and now it is arriving quickly, as if the passing of just one day…

As he grows into his inevitable manhood, I know that my daughters are also not far behind. Growing ever more lovely with each passing day, it is clearly visible to me, their transitions from cute little girl to beautiful young woman. Devaney is changing so quickly that it’s hard for anyone to believe she’s just twelve, all while DeeDee tries so hard to keep up with her big sister (much to the irritation of that big sister).

Now, the babies. Standing here with the youngest two (one still yet to be born), I am painfully aware of the speed of this journey. I have learned enough to appreciate every milestone with a true understanding of the temporary nature of their childhoods.

I am honored to be their mother. I am honored to be the wife of their father, with the full knowledge that as our children grow older, we just grow old. Thank You Father for sending me someone to enjoy this with. Thank You for the blessing of seeing this with two sets of eyes, so that we may never miss any of the little things.

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I’ll Be Back Soon

s42239ca117895_26_0I spent today, hold on…another contraction, OK, almost done, and it’s over. Anyway, where was I before I was so rudely interrupted? I guess I’ll have to wait until he’s a few years out of the womb to teach him to wait his turn, huh?

I spent today, along with the help of my amazing mommy and sister, deep cleaning and preparing my room for my new roommate. Yes, he’s short, sleepy, and partially blind, but I still wanted the place to look nice and be comfy for him. I thought I was in labor last night, having my cervix checked yesterday really did a number on me, but the action eventually subsided and I went to sleep. I got up this morning with a renewed determination to finish getting everything ready for his arrival, hence the completion of the bedroom.

At the end of all that hard work, and believe me when I tell you that just getting up and down is hard work for me right now, my husband, who coaches, and my oldest son, who plays, returned home from football practice with a concussion to the head of the younger one. Football can be so dangerous but, man, those two have it running thick through their veins. Back to the point, I then got to spend the last hours of my day sitting in the ER waiting for them to tell me he was OK. We did get a great doctor and after an exam and CT scan, he was released to his very relieved mother who, by the way, had about seven good contractions while there.

I just kept thinking…wrong son…wrong reason…wrong department…right hospital…hmmm, I’ll be back soon.

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My Precious D’Angelo

s42239ca117895_15_4To My Baby Bubba,

My sweet, sweet little man, I love you so much. I’m head over heels in love with you, would give up my own life for you. I held you tonight, as I do every night, but this night was so much more than the usual rocking to sleep and tucking you in with a tender kiss. This night I studied your sleeping face, as it is right now in this fleeting moment of time. I thought about just how much your life is about to change. As I gazed down upon the miracle of you, my heart holds so much emotion for what is to come, and I worry. How will you feel about the looming changes? I know you will love your baby brother because you are such a loving child. You kiss and hug your baby cousins just as naturally as you breath. You often walk up behind me as I sit on the floor, wrap your baby short arms my neck, lay your head against the back of mine and sigh a loving “Oohhh.”

You also, however, can be a little overprotective of me, often physically pushing people away from me if they get too close, all while shouting some commands to them that are not quite English yet. You’re like a jealous boyfriend (definately your father’s son). I still nurse you a few times a day, probably should have stopped that already but I didn’t have the heart to take that from you. Every morning is the same, you start off with a juice box “jooth, jooth, jooth” you say, then you cuddle up with me in our bed, tugging on my tank top, “boobie, boobie” you demand.

So, I weigh both sides of you in my mind as I contemplate the very near arrival of your Baby Bruhbruh (I often ask you where he is and you point to my stomach). I know in the long run your life will be so much richer having him in it, but right now I pray for the short run. I kiss your precious, perfect, sleeping lips. I memorize your curly, dark brown hair as it so wildly frames your unbelievably flawless face, and I pray that never, ever will you feel that you are second to me now.

God, give us the strength, patience, and wisdom to always say and do only the things that will provide all of our children the confidence in knowing just important each one of them are to me and their daddy. Thank you for entrusting each of them to us, for finding us worthy enough to loan us the lives of these, your children. I hope we never disappoint You.

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Sexy Mama


So, I’m out and about today, gathering the last of the items I will need to pack into my hospital bag, and all of my searching led me to this one question: Is there such a thing as a sexy nursing gown? I mean, dang, I’m not trying to hit the “sexy scale” up toward the level of, say, high class stripper but I certainly don’t want to be way down underneath, say, Grandmother either. Does it have to either button down the front or have front slits that I can pull my boobies out of ? Yes, it does. Does it have to look like I just wrapped myself up in a floral print shower curtain? Well, after today’s frustrating search, that’s a maybe. I ended up surrendering this battle and just bought two, a baby blue one and a light green one, both with little flowers all over them. While my daughters were having fun trying on the smallest of the leftover prom dresses on the rack, pretending to be older that they really are, they were having more fun making me feel like I am older than my thirty-seven years. They kept finding me in the ugly nightgown section and joking that they’d tracked me there by following all the other old ladies, heehee. Heehee my butt, as I looked around and realized they weren’t lying. Ok, so I have become my mother. That’s OK, she’s still lovely, and I can try to make these two tents, uh, I mean nursing gowns, look elegant. Pray for me…

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Mark That Off The List

s42239ca117895_8_7Finally starting to get stuff marked off the big, better get this all done before the baby comes, to-do list. With so much continually going on around here, it’s amazing I have time to even pee. Antone’s high school graduation Thursday, Friday was Olivia’s bachelorette party, too much happening on Saturday to even list, D’Lo had his dedication at church on Sunday, and today, well, I believe we got these pregnancy pics done just in time…I’m still having random contractions all day long. My body is definately sending the clear message that I need not do this again. I mean, the heart of me knows that never again will I feel the miracle of a life within my own, but the sheer exhaustion, swollen feet, heartburn, and constant middle of the night trips to the can are really trying to steal the joy out of this, my last expectant experience.

He should be arriving in the next week or two. My fourth child arrived a little before 39 weeks and I didn’t feel nearly this pregnant with him, or really with any of them. I’m just about to reach 37 weeks so, hopefully, I should be safe at least through Olivia’s wedding this Saturday. Even now his movements are way too large for a space that’s way too small and I swear it feels like he’s trying to claw his way through my cervix from the inside out. 

Seriously though, I am feeling like a very blessed woman. We all have complaints about our pregnancies but, all in all, this one last run at it has been miraculous. God has been good to us and, sitting there today at the portrait studio, reviewing all the beautiful pictures of an even more beautiful family, we were both feeling humbled by the honor of parenting such amazing little people. All of them at varying milestones. One about to enter high school, one about to enter the world, and everything in between. We were joking today about the irony that the same year our oldest will be permitted to drive, our youngest will just be graduating to a front facing car seat. Will the baby be in that front facing car seat while his brother takes it out for a spin? Um, no, but it will be nice to send Tony out to pick up some milk when we run out.

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