Tag Archives: parenting

Prednisone Trap

We saw D’Lo’s new Pediatric Nephrologist today. Good news? No. Bad news? Not really. It was more like the same news…just wrapped up in a different package. We will stay on the prednisone for now – and wait a little … Continue reading

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Rosebuds Through Rocks

Life isn’t always a rose-petal path. The journey just isn’t soft and fragrant the entire way. You have stretches where the warm sands of tranquility soothe your feet, and then you have the miles in between – where your feet … Continue reading

Posted in CHILDHOOD NEPHROTIC SYNDROME/MCD | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Three Years Ago Today…

Three years ago Today. Three years ago to this very minute…my contractions began. My fifth child was preparing for his entrance into this world. I looked at the clock and I smiled – I knew in that moment that my … Continue reading

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Goodbye, 7th Graders – Hello, 8th Graders!!

She left in the morning, still a seventh grader for just a few more hours. She looked so lovely – all 5 feet & 8 inches of her a stunning example of beauty. Looking at her, it’s hard to believe … Continue reading

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Father’s Week Blessed

With all of this past weekend’s Father’s Day happenings, I barely had the time to think straight. Between all the Dads in my life – I went from BBQ, to breakfast in bed, to potluck. Clarification – the breakfast in … Continue reading

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