Cranium Concerns

I’m beginning to worry, or maybe I should say beginning to worry a little more lately, about the survival of our youngest child! I’m hoping against hope, and praying with all my might, that he makes it safely to adulthood. I have never in my life seen a more active and fearless child and, believe me, that says a lot considering all the Sparrow children have been total maniacs! This kid though…I seriously go to bed worried about whether or not the many bumps to his nugget are going to effect his consiousness and/or development. There are nights that I literally wake up out of a dead sleep to go check on his crazy (sleeping) behind.

Tonight alone I saw him climb (well, I didn’t actually see the rise – just the fall) up onto the lego box and then BOOM! He fell backward, legs out, butt now resting on the overturned lego box, and the back of his head firmly planted onto the bottom shelf of our book case. He was completely horizontal and parallel to (but a foot above) the ground, head stuck to the sharp edge…screaming for someone to get him on his feet.

Withing three hours of that incident – he fell off the barstool and hit his head on the counter’s corner, stood up quickly under the same counter (that he’s now taller than) and hit his head again, jumped into the computer chair (the very one I sit in at this moment) and hurt his other end, and then ended the night by running into the wooden slats on the underside of his bunk bed, at full speed…twice in a row! I mean, are you kidding me right now?!

These are the happenings of every, single day! He will literally head dive off of our couch on purpose, scream his lungs out for a minute…and then do it again! He is afraid of nothing physical (but completely freaked out by what he calls “ghoths”) and is never taught a lesson by pain. I’m beginning to think that he hits his head so hard and so often, that he actually forgets what hurt him – and how bad it hurt!

Lord Jesus! Please protect my baby boy! I know You must have blessed him with a steel skull…and I know that You must have some very important plans for a head as hard as that! Please bless, protect and keep every one of our precious children and know that we recognize the real gifts that they are…but please, please, please wrap an extra layer of protection around the fro of little Adarius.


About thisnest

The Sparrows are happily married, and the parents of five children. Donna and her husband Antonio are college sweethearts who also raised his seven siblings, many with special needs, for nearly two decades. Along the way they have navigated the ups and downs of being a blended, black, white, and brown family. Donna celebrates each day of blessings and embraces her family’s “interraciality” through poetry, anecdotes, and glimpses into her beautifully chaotic life on her blog at
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One Response to Cranium Concerns

  1. I’m LOLing at memories, again, Donna! I’ll send some cranium prayers your way! 😀 We made my son wear a football helmet for a while for similar reasons–for real! Too funny 🙂

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