Another Big Tomorrow

I feel like I’ve been absent from my bloggy family for awhile. Life has a way of keeping you running around trying to catch your breath, and I just kept pushing the keyboard and monitor to the bottom of my to-do list…even though I have had a ton to write about. Volleyball tournaments every weekend, my hubby’s birthday, getting ready to become a college student again (wow), making big life decisions…but the biggest thing, the most important thing happening to us this week, happens tomorrow morning.

As you all know, our precious D’Lo has had his share of bumps in his little, four-year-old road. Kawasaki Disease when he was just one, Neprotic Syndrome (kidney disease) diagnosed just six months ago, and he has had penis pain for over a year now. Actually, it was a urine sample while trying to get to the bottom of his “wee-wee” hurting that stumbled us upon the kidney disease…but then the pain in his little boy part pretty much got pushed to the backburner while he underwent the Prednisone treatment for the kidney issues. We are finally into the last two weeks of that treatment – and now it’s time to re-visit the still-present, but very random, complaints about the painful wee-wee.

And so tomorrow morning, with a check in time of 7:00am, we head to see the Pediatric Urologist’s surgical team. I guess they call it surgery since D’Lo will be put under anesthesia (which he is not good with). Once asleep, they will be going in with a camera to try to find the source of the pain. It must be a very tiny camera…I hope it’s a very tiny camera.

I’m honestly torn about what, or even if, they discover an answer. Do I want yet another diagnosis added to the growing list of obstacles he’s had to hurdle…or do I want to continue living with a kid who just randomly blurts out (quite loudly I might add) that his wee-wee hurts? I don’t know. I just really don’t know…

Through it all, D’Lo has remained the same crazy, goofy, active, super smart and witty kid! His smile makes my heart rejoice and his laughter makes my soul dance. His warm, little body curled up next to me as he sneaks into our bed, no matter how many times we put him back into his own, and his soft kisses in the morning are the gift I am given each and every day…and I am grateful. So grateful.

He will be angry and confused as the anesthesia wears off, and he will be sore for the next few days when he pees. I pray for the strength to take any news they may give…or not give. Mostly though, I pray that God brings our baby boy through, once again, as He always does. Thank You, Lord. If you happen to look at the clock around 8:30am PST, and if you happen to think of us, please join me as I cover our little boy in prayer.

I’ll update as soon as I can.

About thisnest

The Sparrows are happily married, and the parents of five children. Donna and her husband Antonio are college sweethearts who also raised his seven siblings, many with special needs, for nearly two decades. Along the way they have navigated the ups and downs of being a blended, black, white, and brown family. Donna celebrates each day of blessings and embraces her family’s “interraciality” through poetry, anecdotes, and glimpses into her beautifully chaotic life on her blog at
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