No News Is Good News?

D’Lo is our brave and funny, little soldier! Overall, and through its ups and downs, this day went well. No real answers…but that’s not really a bad thing. We knew going in that it was going to be a good news/bad news kind of day, either way. The news would either be no news (meaning no tumors, no ulcers, no visible problems) but no answers either, or an answer…and another diagnosis, another health problem, another hurdle in our four-year-old’s path. One thing the doctor did notice, once the camera made it’s way up and into the urethra and to the bladder, was “tight tone” in the muscle system up there. This does account for penile pain in grown men…but he’s never seen it in a child this young, and it can’t be treated in a child this young anyway. He didn’t say that was our answer, actually said it probably wasn’t…but maybe. So now we wait, and watch, and listen to our baby complain about his wee-wee hurting.

As I expected, there was a fair share of disoriented anger and mild violence as D’Lo came out of anesthesia. They actually rushed out to get us from the waiting area, hoping we could help calm down our thrashing and screaming child. It took a little while, and the nurse took a few right hooks, but he finally settled down. Thank You, Lord for getting our little guy through this day.

By far, the funniest moments of the day (of the year) were once the sedative kicked in so that D’Lo would accept being moved to the back without us. I didn’t know how strong the stuff was, and was even concerned that his dose was too small since he spit out about half due to its nasty taste. Concerns invalidated as I watched him begin to sway gently from side to side, listened to him slur as he sang along to the cartoon on the TV, and laughed as he began asking me over and over again if his breath smelled good – all while blowing that hot breath in my face. My God, my baby was lliterally drunk…and, Lord forgive me, it was SO funny! Concerned for his safety as he teetered on the edge of the hospital bed, I asked him if he’d like to lay down:

“No, Mama, I just want to do this!” He answered, and began throwing his head around and around in large circles – masses of curls being thrown all over the place and a dopey smile on his face!

I tried to hide my amusement from the RN who didn’t seem to find any humor in my thinking a drunk four-year-old was funny. Ha! I think she deserved those right hooks that were headed her way, lol. The pictures above are of D’Lo, under the influence, waiting to be rolled back for the procedure. I appreciate all the prayers. You are all so appreciated.

About thisnest

The Sparrows are happily married, and the parents of five children. Donna and her husband Antonio are college sweethearts who also raised his seven siblings, many with special needs, for nearly two decades. Along the way they have navigated the ups and downs of being a blended, black, white, and brown family. Donna celebrates each day of blessings and embraces her family’s “interraciality” through poetry, anecdotes, and glimpses into her beautifully chaotic life on her blog at
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2 Responses to No News Is Good News?

  1. Debra says:

    HILLARIOUS!!!!! He gets it from his Auntie! Teeheehee!!!

  2. Momma says:

    I am so grateful he came through the day with flying colors. He is so precious and we love him so much. You write about EVERYTHING so well. I love reading every work that you write.

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