Tag Archives: parenting

A Crossroads…Again

I am at a crossroads. The road behind me has been long. Sometimes smooth, but those parts are only made clear by the rough patches they contrast with. Unfortunately for me, real degrees cannot be earned in the School of … Continue reading

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Black or Biracial?

I was asked recently about how we are raising our daughters. The questioned pertained to whether we are bringing the girls up as black women or biracial women. My answer? They will be black women and they will be biracial … Continue reading

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Mr. Boss Man

This little boy won’t stop touching stuff! He’s standing right here next to me at this very moment…pushing every, single button on my printer. Confusing the poor machine into a clicking, flashing, humming mess of plastic and lights. I keep … Continue reading

Posted in FAMILY, SIMPLY STATED | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Dear G.I. Joe Guy

Dear G.I. Joe Guy, If it’s not too much to ask, I need you to stop invading my territory. I know you’re a soldier and all, but you and all your little buddies (including the samurai) really need to remain … Continue reading

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What Are They Teaching In Kindergarten?!!!

This is my niece, Gracie. She is six. She is definitely a combination of brains and beauty…so dang smart and so dang cute! Gracie-poo is in kindergarten now. While her mother (my little sister) has settled comfortably into the schedule … Continue reading

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