As I have previously posted, there was a lot of activity leading up to my actual delivery. I was supposed to be induced two days earlier but that fell through, I had been having random contractions for weeks prior to his delivery, I was carrying so low that it felt as if I were “walking around” him, and I was as big as a barn.
Well, here’s the timeline:
I had a regularly scheduled appointment with my OB on Tuesday, June 30th, at which time my membrane was stripped and I was already dilated to a two, and we discussed all the details of the induction. I walked four miles that night, hoping to avoid being induced and, subsequently, had contractions five minutes apart for some hours. Thought maybe this was it…nope! I spent all day on Wednesday, July 1st, preparing for a delivery the next day…exhausting when you can’t even see your own feet! Got what I though was my call to come in on Thursday morning (July 2nd) but, in actuality, was really being bumped from the schedule…so frustrating! Walked another four miles and spent a lot of time rolling around on the pilates ball (ooh, so sexy) followed up by a trip to triage at the hospital to have my cervix checked one more time by my doctor. OK, now I’m dilated to a three, am beginning to thin, and she can feel my bag of waters. As I’m driving home from the hospital, I start having contractions, serious contractions, three minutes apart. I’m not even trying to go directly back to the hospital so I decided to wait for them to intensify or for my water to break. Well, that’s not going to happen because, apparently, I’m carrying inside of myself a sac-o-steel. What the heck? This goes on for hours and then…nothing, wow.
Friday, July 3rd. I wake up, feeling normal, no contractions, no leakage, nothing. Four mile walk, here I come! Look out pilates ball, fat lady coming! All the while I’m praying that, if it is His will, God will bring my baby into this world as soon as my birthday gets here.
To be continued…