Our Four Year Old Miracle

With the morning’s light bringing with it D’Angelo’s fourth birthday, I wanted to post some photos of the year while he was still just three. An amazing 365 full of adventures and discoveries and miracles…we are thankful. Did you know that we knew D’Lo for a very long time before he was even born? Our fourth child, I knew would be a boy, I knew his name was D’Angelo, and I imagined (pretty accurately, actually) what he looked like. The thing is…I had my tubes tied after our third child. That was a painful time for me. The mourning of a child who was never even conceived, well, that’s a very difficult thing to explain. Sadness over a child who never existed because, to me…he was supposed to.
At the age of twenty-eight, parenting not only our three kids, but also Tony’s seven siblings, we had to make a decision. Unfortunately, although we wanted four kids…we already had ten. Those were difficult times and they often involved difficult choices. Having my tubes tied did offer some sort of relief – like not having to worry about another little life to be responsible for, when we were already struggling for sanity and finances. But still I often thought about him – our unborn, or rather never-to-be-born, son. I cried sometimes thinking about him…but life went on.
After several years of complications, called PTLS, due to my tubal ligation, we decided to have the procedure reversed. We hoped that by reversing the tubal, the monthly pain I was enduring due to the PTLS would end…but we both knew what else the reversal could mean for us.
Within two weeks, I knew that the reversal had done its job to diminish my symptoms. Within two months, I knew that D’Lo was on his way to us from Heaven. Eight years after the birth of our third, we still knew our fourth would be a boy and we knew his name was D’Angelo…and we knew that we were blessed.

Happy 4th birthday, Precious Boy! We waited so long for you, but we know you were patiently waiting on us too. We are so honored to be your parents, and we’d be so incomplete without you. Just as your name means “Heaven Sent” or “From the Angel”, you are both of those things. WE LOVE YOU!

About thisnest

The Sparrows are happily married, and the parents of five children. Donna and her husband Antonio are college sweethearts who also raised his seven siblings, many with special needs, for nearly two decades. Along the way they have navigated the ups and downs of being a blended, black, white, and brown family. Donna celebrates each day of blessings and embraces her family’s “interraciality” through poetry, anecdotes, and glimpses into her beautifully chaotic life on her blog at www.ThisNest.com
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2 Responses to Our Four Year Old Miracle

  1. Congratulations to D’Angelo and your family =) My mom had three children. I’m number 3. My mother-in-law had 13! My wife was number 12.

  2. thisnest says:

    Thanks, Glenn! I am the oldest of six daughters and our one brother is older than me. My husband is the oldest of nine children, his youngest sister is only a year and a half older than our first child!

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