Not many women can say they have five sisters. Even less can say their sisters are their friends. And less that that can say they shared a pregnancy with two of those sisters. It was an eventful several months…first finding out, within weeks, that we were all pregnant…then watching each other’s bellies grow…and then, giving birth to the Three Muskateers within those same weeks of each other. One of my past’s most miraculous experiences…one of my future’s most cherished memories. That was in 2007.
I found out first that I was pregnant – a very joyful discovery considering all the hoops I had jumped through for my tubal reversal, in an attempt to have our fourth child. My youngest sister, Nickie, realized her own miracle just five weeks later – an answer to prayer, considering the heartbreaking loss of her first-born son, JD (Rest in Peace, Baby Boy). My little sister, Tricia, announced her own good news just four weeks after that – a huge blessing after concerns of infertility.
Each of the three a miracle in their own way. Three mothers on a journey of their own…but still together. Just brings a smile to your face, huh?
Well, today we celebrated the fourth birthday of the youngest Muskateer. Her two cousins passing that milestone just prior to her…but still with her to celebrate her big day! I hope that they are always close. Loving. Protecting. Lifting. When little hands become big ones and little minds grow up, I pray they don’t lose sight of one another. Afterall, they have been together from the start.
All for one, and one for all!
Happy birthday, KQ!