And you are a beautiful shade in between.
You are such an important child!
Function: adjective
* having great meaning or influence
You look a little bit like one of us, and a little more like the other.
You’re the best part of your father and the best piece of your mother.
You are such a magnificent child!
Function: adjective
* having impressive beauty
The hair on your head is like a heavenly crown.
You are perfect at the top and clear down to the ground.
You are such a remarkable child!
Function: adjective
* worthy of being or likely to be noticed, especially as being uncommon or extraordinary
From your wavy-waves, to your curly-curls, to your spiral ringlet’s shine,
I am so happy to be yours and so grateful that you are mine.
You are such a sensational child!
Function: adjective
* exceedingly or unexpectedly excellent or great
A spirit of joy can be seen through your eyes,
It’s as bright as the light of the sunniest skies.
You are such an amazing child!
Function: adjective
* causing amazement, great wonder, or surprise
From the almond shaped frame of your earth colored eyes, to the glow of their sparkling light,
I am so honored to be yours and I adore you with all of my might.
You are such a phenomenal child!
Function: adjective
* highly extraordinary or prodigious; exceptional
Your outside may not look exactly like mine,
But our hearts are the same; they’re two of a kind.
You are such a marvelous child!
Function: adjective
* causing wonder or astonishment, having the characteristics of a miracle, of the highest quality
From the caramel, honey, mocha to the brown sugar words that describe your beautiful skin,
You’re a gift that was purposefully and wonderfully made and wrapped in that skin you’re in.
You are such a beautiful child!
Function: adjective
* having the qualities of beauty, very good, excellent, lovely, handsome
People may see us and think that we look like fruit from different trees.
Do you know what I see when I look at you?
I see me!
And I love you…
My very important, magnificent, remarkable, sensational, amazing, phenomenal, marvelous, beautiful child!
They are those and many more wonderful things, and they are so beautiful. I am so glad you love them so much. I love them so much, too.