Everyone who knows my Little Madman, knows that he is nothing short of the Tasmanian Devil…he is everywhere and he touches everything. He’s like a (really cute) perfect storm, leaving his trail of destruction as evidence of his presence.
Today it was my bathroom, or to be more specific, my bathroom drawers. I could hear him in there digging around but the baby had me distracted so I sort of just let him do his thing. Finally he emerged, carrying in his little hand what, I just know, he must have thought was some sort of really delicious candy…
Handing me the brightly wrapped, orange and white package he asked “Mama, what’s this?”
“Uuuummmm, well Baby, that’s a tampon.”
“A tam-pom?!” he asked excitedly
…Eyes lighting up, big smile on his face – “Oooh, I want a tam-pom!”
LMBO. Now THAT, my dear, is PRICELESS 🙂 … and these memories are the WHOLE reason we blog!