There’s this little game of words we play with D’Lo, and as he’s been learning language he seems to also be developing this incredible sense of madman humor…bringing an abundance of laughter into our home on a daily basis.
Every time we respond to his silliness (is that a word?) with any kind of adjective, he always throws it back at us:
us: “D’Lo, you’re silly!”
him: “Noooo, you sitty!”
us: “D’Lo, your funny!”
him: “Noooo, you funny!”
us: “D’Lo, you’re crazy!”
him: “Don’t say dat! You cwazy!”
So, Devaney and I were playing with him and in a moment of pure Madman entertainment (and expecting the compliment to be returned) Dev says to him “D’Lo, you are soooo cute!” to which he immediately responds:
“Yes, I am cute!”
pauses…and he continues:
“I vewy cute!”
Your entire family is so beautiful!
Blessing from Cornelia Brown